Lost Job Justice Spell

Get them fired! Do you have to work with your enemy day after day? Want to see them lose their job so that you no longer have to tolerate seeing them? This spell is great if you have an enemy at work and want them gone. Is it the person that sits next to you clipping their nails all day or the person that got the big office with the widows that should have been yours? It doesn’t matter. Our lose his/her job revenge magick spell will help you get rig of them. This spell also works great for when you work at the same place as your ex. No one wants to go to work everyday to see their ex. Once this spell focuses our energy on your target they will get the boot and you can go to work with a smile on your face once again. Our Lose their job revenge spell casting will put your enemy out of their current cozy position.

Strong Lost Job Justice Spell Casting By Fire With Chants

1st Degree

Cast 1 time per
night over 3 nights.

Stronger Lost Job Justice Spell Casting By Fire With Chants

2nd Degree

Cast 3 times per
night over 15 nights.

Strongest Lost Job Justice Spell Casting By Fire With Chants

3rd Degree

Cast 8 times per
night over 30 nights.

Seductive Spells
Manifestation Promise

We are committed professionals and pride ourselves in our work. We have a guarantee that really does mean something.

Read about our
Manifestation Promise

“He didn’t appreciate his job and the guy he was working with (my best friend) didn’t deserve it, but didn’t have it in him to fire this guy or anyone else. The arguing between the two of them was never ending and I was sick of coming around hearing and seeing it. The best solution was the lost job spell. Thanks a ton to the entire group of spell casters. You and your team of spell casters are the BEST!”

-Terry Schaefer
St. Paul, MN

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Seductive Spells
Reviews and Testimonial

“This manager at my job needed to go, or at least get me on a different shift than he is on. I was so sick of going to work because of him. It’s not like he was being sexual or anything like that. He was just such a hard ass. Always pushing me around rather than asking me to do anything. There was no way I was going to let him get away with it anymore and your spell did the job.”

-Jennifer Brinkman
Phoenix, AZ